This course is designed to provide students with full knowledge and concise overview on the latest theories and thought in the field of services marketing. The marketing of services is different from the marketing of goods. This difference become critical when tourism is concerned fully on service related nature. Service marketing is clearly a crucial issue today, in an era when marketing theory is dominated by the concept consumer-or market-led marketing, where organization must meet the demands of their customers if they are to thrive and excel in the market place. The tourism organizations (tourism providers) normally face difficulty in fulfilling these tasks unless they understand fully well on how to strategize their services marketing. The course focuses its discussion and analysis on theories and concepts of services marketing so that students will be able to develop strong knowledge on the foundations of services marketing, managing the service outcome, and services strategies. Students are also expected to be able to examine specific case studies that related to services marketing in tourism. Students must work together in teams to define problem, develop solution plan, produce and demonstrate the outcomes and present their work using written and oral reports.